Player name: Garcia, CarlosSee rating chart
Most recent federation:   Cuba
Date of birth: 12 March 1955
Most recent ID: 3505332
Sex: man
Notes: Probably a mistake. It is unlikely that he decided to change his federation from USA to CUB.
  list        pos  Player_ID  Name                                 Title Fed  Rtng   +/-  Gms   Birthday   Sex  Flag 
Oct 2001    11357=  3505332  Garcia, Carlos                              CUB  2218     0    0  1955.03.12            
Jul 2001    11475=  3505332  Garcia, Carlos                              CUB  2218     0    0  1955.03.12            
Apr 2001    11629=  3505332  Garcia, Carlos                              CUB  2218     0    0  1955.03.12            
Jan 2001    11392=  3505332  Garcia, Carlos                              CUB  2218    +3    7                        
Oct 2000    11570=  3505332  Garcia, Carlos                              CUB  2215     0    0  1955.03.12            
Jul 2000    11397=  3505332  Garcia, Carlos                              CUB  2215   +18    4  1955.03.12            
Jan 2000    12458=  2015048  Garcia, Carlos                              USA  2197   +23    4                        
Jul 1999    14570=  2015048  Garcia, Carlos                              USA  2174         14  1955.03.12